
About 5 Lakes

Who is 5 Lakes Consulting?

We are a professional recruiting firm located in Western Michigan. Currently the focus of 5 Lakes is recruiting for the Medical Device Industry, but our experience extends beyond there. We have worked on searches in Plastics, Packaging, Stamping, Welding, Aerospace, Refrigeration, Forestry, and Automotive. Our diverse background can help nearly anyone pinpoint the right candidate for your company.

In addition to having experience serving a wide variety of industries we are we are…

  • Professional - we realize there is more to being a professional than being in the "profession" of recruiting. Being a professional involves developing mastery. We work on our weaknesses to turn them into strengths. As we work toward mastery we continue to develop undeniable advancement that allows us to meet challenges with confidence. It is by our professionalism that we solidly feel we can develop your trust.
  • Committed to Success through perseverance - we have developed a bias for results. As you can appreciate, recruiting comes with its set of challenges, but we will not give up. Dispite difficulties or obstacles we will not give up. It is the passion we have for recruiting that keeps us going. At the same time, we realize that we are part of something much bigger, your success at times depends on our success. It is helping you achieve success that gets us out of bed in the morning and moves us to continue to work the phone throughout the day.
  • With you every step of the way - empathy can be defined as "walking a mile in someone elses shoes". We realize that it is a constant battle to find the right candidates, and while we are compensated for finding canididates, we will go above and beyond to make sure you are happy with the services we provide.

We are 5 Lakes because we feel we are surrounded by the 5 Greatest Lakes anywhere. Located close to the shores of beautiful Lake Michigan we appreciate the importance of working in an environment that allows for professional growth as well as being able to take pride in the place we call home.